If you can’t come to the fair, we will bring them to you!

As we unfortunately do not have the opportunity to present our innovations at Glasstec 2020 in Düsseldorf in these difficult times, we would like to give you a small foretaste of what we would like to show. Because it will be several months before Glasstec can take place next year. Our innovations are solutions for decorating and metallizing conical articles.

CiF – Conical inLINE FOILING®

Up to now, the industry has been faced with the problem that conical articles could not be metallized, or only to a small area on the substrate. ISIMAT has addressed this limitation and further developed the proven inLINE FOILING® process. For the first time it is now also possible to finish conical articles such as beer glasses or wine bottles with metallization. This is made possible by a decisive adjustment in the processing procedure, which we do not (yet) want to reveal at this point.


Conical screen printing

Up to now, the decoration of conical articles required several process steps. For example, a jar was divided into several printing areas. Each printing area was printed by one screen-printing station separately. Therefore, we started here and further developed our screen-printing technology, especially for conical articles. Now, with this new printing unit, we can decorate conical articles with only one screen-printing station.